Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Support for Orphans Across Russia (SOAR) is a non profit, charitable organization with the sole purpose of creating a brighter and happier existence and future for Russia’s forgotten orphans by providing financial and material relief.

SOAR is a stand alone, non partisan organization with headquarters in Ontario, Canada.

SOAR’s initial recipients are orphans residing in specific orphanages within Russia that have are identified as being in particular need. These orphans and institutions will be identified by SOAR with assistance from designated SOAR Distribution Channels.

SOAR members:

  • devote their SOAR resources to charitable purposes and activities,

  • do not pay, or otherwise make SOAR income available to any member, and

  • only partake in SOAR business activities that are charitable in nature.

The Cause

  • 1.2 million Russian children and teenagers were left without parental care between 1990 and 2004. [1]
  • Since 2004 when Social Services funding was transferred to the regions, cash-strapped regions and many orphanages have been forced to make do on far less than the mandated minimum budgets. One home for mentally disabled children was budgeting just 30 kopeks (approximately $ 0.12 CND) per child per day.[2]
  • The average orphanage house parent is paid well under $20 per month in a country that has nearly achieved western price levels. [3]
  • Statistics show that only one in 10 orphans will go on to lead “normal” lives as adults. Figures indicate that 80% either end up homeless, in prison or succumb to drugs or alcohol. Ten percent commit suicide.[4]
  • Only 4 % of orphanage “graduates” are admitted to universities.[5]

[1] Russian Federal Service of Government Statistics
[2] Russian Life Magazine – March 2006
[3] Russian Orphan Opportunity Fund – March 2007
[4] Russia Today – “Moscow grannies give hope to unloved orphans” Oct 12 2007 & “New Children's Charity in Russia's Far North” April 18, 2007
[5] The Russian Ministry of Education